
Home / Donate

Paws Fur Hope is a 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit organization (EIN 86-1953751). We value your contribution and it is tax-deductible. We are an all volunteer organization and hundred percent of your donation goes to the benefit of the animals in our care.  Paws Fur Hope is committed to helping abandoned animals and with your support it allows us to help more that are in need.

We always need donations of supplies for our furry friends. We appreciate any donations of gift cards from, or This allows us to purchase and send supplies directly to our foster/volunteer. You can mail gift cards to the address below or send electronic gift cards to [email protected]. Thank you for your support.

Tribute Donations can be made via online or by check.  If paid online, contact us with the info to send a tribute card.  If paid by check add instructions.  We will personalize a note per your request and send to recipient.

Donate By Mail:
Paws Fur Hope
1146 N Central Ave. #121
Glendale, CA 91202

To pay your adoption fee via PayPal please click here.

Donate via Pay Pal or Zelle at [email protected].  List the animals name if it is for an adoption fee in the notes.

Make A Donation Online:
Use the following form to make a donation via PayPal or credit card.

PayPal QR Code